Moser Real Estate Service

Over 30 years of market expertise in Frankfurt

Frankfurt: 069 - 711 608 61 | Mobile: 0172 - 67 20 182 |

Disclosure for the landlord

The information in this self-assessment serves to assess the prospective tenant(s) and is used as a basis for the decision to conclude the rental agreement.

Complete address of the desired rental property

3 months rent net in €


Werden sie der Mieter oder Mitbewohner sein?

Salutation tenant/resident

First name tenant/resident

Surname tenant/resident

Nationality of tenants/residents

Date of birth of tenant/resident

Telephone tenants/residents

You will receive a copy of your self-assessment at this email address!

Profession tenant/resident

Employer with address tenant/resident

Employed from/since tenant/resident

Net income to be proven by means of 3 salary statements!

Further questions


Bitte mit ausgeschriebenen Vor- und Nachnamen unterschreiben!

Attention! Important hint!

The information in this self-assessment serves to assess the prospective tenant(s) and is used as a basis for the decision to conclude the rental agreement. Any rental contract is therefore subject to the condition that the information provided is true. If, after the conclusion of the rental agreement, it turns out that individual details are incorrect, the tenant(s) is/are obliged to vacate and hand over the rental property immediately and must compensate the landlord for any direct and indirect damage. All information will be treated confidentially in accordance with the applicable data protection regulations.

We are a member of

Ulrike Moser - Moser Real Estate Service

Max-Beckmann-Strasse 15
60599 Frankfurt am Main

phone 069 / 711 608 - 61
Fax. 069 / 711 608 - 62